JLeague用FacePack for FM17 2100 1/19更新 2/15前後から作業再開予定です かりん様が公開中のJMOD用のFacePackの作成&公開します 製作のベースとなっているJMODはこちら (available only for this JLeague MOD) ちなみに画像セレクトは How to add the claassen's leagues to Football Manager 16 Extract the downloaded rar file using 7zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac OS X Move the extracted fmf leagues you want to the following location Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 16 / editor data Create the "editor data" folder if it doesn't existFootball Manager 17 Jリーグデータパック かりんちゃんの随心遊戯日誌 Like in FM16 Football Manager 17 includes a blurring effect that displays when the main screen isn't in focus (ie when processing, saving or responding to a popup),
Fm日記 名古屋グランパス編 2 快進撃の年前半戦 どらぐら日記